For the past two weeks I have been extremely busy as a "substitute teacher." Everyday is definitely an adventure!!! Here are a few things I have seen, heard, been asked in the past days...
(**Keep in mind I have been in classes that range from Special Ed. to 8th grade science....during the "human reproduction unit.**)
1. Watched the first 45 minutes of Ratatouille...SIX times in one day!
2. "Are you even old enough to teach?"
3. "What are ______?" -fill in the blank with any body part that you would be extremely uncomfortable discussing with a 13 year old.
4. "So you just got married?" Yes "So your pretty serious with the guy...???" -of course then the rest of the class burst into laughter!
5. "Are you actually from Britain?"'s just my name.
6. Had to remind a student to keep her mouth closed and she wouldn't constantly drool on her desk (I am in no way making fun of the student! Sometimes I just look back on a day and I'm amazed with something I did all day and it didn't even faze me.)
7. Peeled an orange for a girl and got yelled at by her aide..."Now she'll be expecting something ELSE from me during lunch!!!!" blood began to boil. "THAT IS YOUR JOB!!!!"- I wanted to respond, but instead bit my tongue.
8. Played with play dough.
9. "Are you our sub?" Heard that a million times.
10. Had a birthday party for one of the MR girls! So fun to see the special ed kids with their party hats and noise makers. (They constantly remind me to find joy in the little things)
11. Caught my self talking loudly to a deaf didn't help :-)
12. Trying to remember everything I knew about To Kill a Mockingbird
13. Had my seat saved for me in the lunch room everyday for three days straight....I just couldn't say no, the little girl was so sweet! (Other teachers may have given me funny looks, but I had fun!)
14. Harassed by eighth grade boys during "sex ed." I was so proud of myself....I don't think I even blushed once!
...the list goes on....many more in the months to come!!
Its good to have you at our very own Logan-Rogersville High. And, don't sweat the 8th graders... The seniors act the same way.
I speak for the "Ratatouille" teacher when I say that he is very sorry. The Civil Rights video that he had chosen was full of colorful language. It was probably less entertaining, as well!
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