Saturday, December 20, 2008


Last night my best friend in the whole-wide-world got engaged!!! I am so excited! Kristina and I have been through everything together:

*went to Rogersville elementary, middle, and high school ( & scheduled as many classes together as possible)
* played on the same volleyball team for 10 years! (7th grade - college)
*college roommates
*lived about 5 minutes from each other
*took turns spending teh night at each others house as often as possible growing up
*church camps
*sports camps
* Special Ed. tutoring together (funniest memories of my life)
*laughed and laughed and laughed
*cried a little
* etc etc etc

She is the nicest person I know and one of the only people in my life have been able to trust with anything and everything. God blessed me beyond what I can even described when he gave her to me as a best friend! I honestly cannot remember fighting with her once over the past 15 or so years! I can't imagine what my life would have been without Kristina. (Not nearly as fun!)

We always joked that she would marry my brother Chad, just so we could be related, even though he was a little young for her. (And it would be totally weird because it would be like she was marrying her own brother...) Anyway she may not be marrying my Chad, but the Chad she is marrying is such a great guy and they are perfect for each other! I have never seen her so happy!

So...Congratulations guys!!! Two nicer people couldn't have been put together! I am SO excited for you!!!

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