Friday, October 24, 2008


Today was my last day of Student Teaching... exciting because now I'm a "real" teacher, but sad because I have spent the last six weeks with 14 very unique students that I have become extremely attached to! I taught K-8 grade kids from all, and I do mean all, walks of life. Three of which were ESL (one from Vietnam, one from Ukraine, one from the Marshall Islands), one with a mother in prison, several from one-parent homes, many live in poverty, and these are all on the side of a Learning or Physical disability! 

I cried for about two hours when I got home my first day. These kids have lived through more struggles and hardships than I could ever imagine... and they are in elementary or middle school!!!

I could go on and on with funny stories, examples of how they taught me to be more grateful for what I have, etc... but maybe I'll save that for a day I can't think of anything to write.

BUT next time you pass by Hickory Hills, maybe on your way to church, or if you just happened to think of it...could you say a little prayer for Mrs. Sly's Special Ed class??? I know 14 students that could use a little help :-)

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