Monday, October 18, 2010

Home Sweet Home

After two weeks of traveling with Jeff for meetings and a trade-show, we are enjoying being at home in our own beds! We had a lot of fun in Arizona and Dallas, but it always feels good to come home (minus the unpacking and laundry). As far as any updates with the adoption.... We got a call accepting us to the Ethiopia program just 5 days after we mailed in our application! Yay! However, I didn't mention in my first post that you must be 25 in order to adopt from this country. I will be 25 in December, so I thought we would basically be waiting until then before we could go any further.....I just didn't have the patience to wait that long to apply :-)
BUT, I found out today that we can begin filling out the pre-homestudy forms! Paperwork may sound boring to you, but to me it is the beginning of a GREAT thing! We can get our packet all ready so when December comes around, we can really get the ball moving!!! As I have started reading all the guidelines and outlines of what will happen and what to expect, I have to be honest that I get a little overwhelmed. (I may or may not have already cried and told Jeff I wasn't sure I was smart enough for this :-) ) But, as soon as those feelings hit me, it never fails that God brings peace into my heart....
"And if Our God is for us, then who could ever stop us
And if our God is with us, then what can stand against?"
...I just love that song!

Saturday, October 2, 2010


(*Please excuse the un-made bed)

We told Charlie the news....and he's excited too! What a relief?! :-)

Our application is in the mail!

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